Course curriculum

    1. Week 1 Start Here!

    2. Vocal Warm ups

    3. Singing to Target Notes

    4. Target Notes with 2 chords

    1. Week 2 Start Here!

    2. Video: New Target Exercise - Chord Tones

    3. Video: Singing Knocking on heaven's Door - finding melody notes as target notes

    4. Handout: Knocking on heaven's Door

    5. Video: Let's talk Capo!

    6. Capo Link

    7. Video: Theory overview

    8. Handout: Chromatic Scale

    9. Handout: Major Scale

    10. Handout: Getting to Know Chords

    1. Week 3 Start Here!

    2. Spotify Playlist for Knocking on Heaven's Door versions

    3. Audio: Practicing Target Notes - Audio Track

    4. Video: Anytune Tutorial

    5. Video: Adding spice (more notes) to Knocking on Heaven's Door

    1. Week 4 Start Here!

    2. Video: New Exercises!

    3. Video: Adding More Rhythm (while Singing!)

    4. Video: Adding more vocal variation (while playing!)

    1. Week 5 Start Here!

    2. Video: Targeting Distance

    3. Video: Charting Brown Eyed Girl

    4. Video: Rhythm Brown Eyed Girl

    5. Handout: Knocking on Heaven's Door Charted Out for Vocals

    6. Handout: Brown Eyed Girl

    7. Handout: Blank Chart

    1. Week 6 Start Here!

    2. Video: Adding to Target Practice

    3. Video: Working with scale notes 1 2 3 for vocal and guitar rhythmic ideas

    4. Video: More with Guitar/Vocal Rhythms

About this course

  • 43 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content