Course curriculum

    1. Week #1 Start Here

    2. Handout: CAGED

    3. Handout: Partial Chords 1

    4. Handout: You can't always get what you want - Song

    5. Video: C chord in the "partial A shape" and the F chord in the D shape

    6. Video: C & F in first position with embellishments

    7. Video: C chord in the "partial E shape" and the F chord in the "partial A shape"

    8. Video: Variation of C chord in the "partial E shape" and the F chord in the "partial A shape"

    9. Video: Ways to practice all of this!

    10. Video: Looking at Rhythm

    11. Audio: You can't always get what you want

    1. Week #3 Start Here!

    2. Video: Practicing adding embellishments while singing (using various chord voicings!)

    3. Video: Part 2 . - Practicing adding embellishments while singing (using various chord voicings)

    4. Video: Extra - practicing melodies around chord voicings

    1. Week #3 Start Here!

    2. Video: Voicings and playing in the in the G shape part 1

    3. Video: Voicings and playing in the in the G shape part 2

    4. Video: Voicings and playing in the C shape

    1. Week #4 Start Here!

    2. Video: Finding the major scale around the "G Shape"

    3. Video: Playing Chords using the "G & C Shapes"

    4. Handout: The CAGED Major Scale

    1. Week #5 Start Here!

    2. Video: Learning Riffs in the G shape

    3. Video: Learning Riffs in the G shape Part 2

    4. Video: Putting riff into "C Shape"

    5. Video: Encouragement for Experimenting!

    1. Week #6 Start Here!

    2. Video: Playing "our lick" around the F chord in the C shape

    3. Video: Part 2 - Playing "our lick" around F and C (and G)

    4. Video: Putting it "all" together and jamming!

    5. Audio: C to F backing track

About this course

  • 37 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content