Course curriculum

    1. Week #1 Start Here!

    2. Blues Shuffle Handout

    3. 12 bar blues structure: handout

    4. 12 bar blues shuffle: Intro

    5. adding the 6

    6. adding the b3 and 3

    7. combing the 6 and b3 and 3

    8. CAGED Blues Song

    9. Having fun learning with a song!

    1. Week 2 overview - start here!

    2. Moving the A shape vertically: Part 1

    3. Moving the A shape vertically: Part 2

    4. Moving the A shape vertically: Part 3

    1. Week 3 overview start here

    2. Practicing aiming - Dominant 7 voicing

    3. A shape becomes G shape

    4. Adding a melody using the "A Shape"

    5. A shape new melody

    1. Week 4 Overview Start Here

    2. Handout: E Shape Partial (This is an A chord in the partial "E shape")

    3. Video: Practicing getting to the E shape

    4. Video: Using the E shape!

    1. Week 5 Overview Start Here

    2. Handout: Partial A Shape (this is a D chord in the partial "A shape")

    3. Video: Partial A shape voicing

    4. Video: going over the CAGED handout

    5. CAGED Handout

    6. Video: CAGED overview & the G shape

    7. Video: Remind me why I should learn the chord intervals?

    1. Week 6 Overview Start Here

    2. Handout: Partial E shape (A chord in the E shape)

    3. Video: Adding notes to the E partial barre chord shape

    4. Handout: Partial A shape (D chord in the A shape)

    5. Video: Adding notes to the A partial barre chord shape

About this course

  • 43 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content